What is a Class ?

What is a Class ?

A Class is an abstract entity that helps you distribute students in groups. 

Representing multiple groups using Classes

The Class entity helps you distribute students of the same educational level in groups. For example, you can create multiple Classes for level A students; that is to say, you may have Class A1, Class A2 etc.

Representing level groups using Classes

Class entities also help group students of different educational levels. For example, you may use a naming convention that indicates Class A groups entry-level students, Class B groups students that have already attended Class A and graduated, and so on. Obviously, again you may also distribute students in additional groups and create your school’s unique structure. This helps cluster students in groups and/or levels.  
You may name your classes in any way that makes more sense for your school. 

What is a Class Course

Once you’ve created a Class, you can add one or more Courses to create your Class Course entities. For example, by mapping “Class A1” to a Subject named “Math” (which you’ve previously created), a new “A1 Math” entity is created. You’ll be able to enroll students to that new entity and proceed with other tasks, such as gradebook or attendance.

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