How to work with assignments as an Administrator

How to work with assignments as an Administrator

Assignments play a crucial role in the teaching and learning process education by providing opportunities for students to engage with and master the curriculum, receive feedback on their progress, and develop important skills for academic and future success.

Let's see how you can create and assign assignments to your students

Assignments are parts of the courses.  To access them simply login to your account and go to Classes. Then select any of the Courses and click the Assignments tab. 

At this point you can either create a new assignment or copy an existing one and edit it

Add a title and a due date for your assignment and select the teacher. 
Make sure to check: Enable e-submission if you want your students to submit the response directly from their DreamClass student accounts. 

Now, click to Add the assignment's Instructions and upload any supportive files. 

After you add the instructions you can edit the submission date and the content at any moment by clicking to edit. When you're happy with the result simply click Publish

Students' submissions will appear under the submission tab. When you review the submissions you can click Add grade to grade it. Lastly, click Add Grades to Teacher Gradebook to automatically transfer the assignment's grades to a grading column of the course's teacher gradebook.

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