How can I give access rights to a teacher?

How can I give access rights to a teacher?


To give access rights to a Teacher just click on their name on the Teachers’ area. This way, you will be transferred to their profile page. There, you can review 

  • the “About” tab that shows all their information
  • the “Registered Periods” tab to find what they’ve been assigned


The “About” tab is preselected, once you click on the teacher's name. At the bottom of this tab you can see a section named “Teacher access to DreamClass”. There you can fill in their credential data. In particular, you may add a username and a password and click on “Enable DreamClass Access” to complete the action.


These are the credentials the teacher will be using to login to their account. More specifically, they’ll achieve that by filling in their credentials in the respective “username” and “password” fields at your URL. So, don’t forget to share with them the URL of your DreamClass that is formatted as follows:

https://{domain name of your school }

Tip: If the username you used is the teacher's email address, they will be able to receive an invitation to register with their email account. Otherwise, you’ll need to manually share the credentials (username/password) with them, on your own.


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