Gradebook, Grades, Point Grades, Grade Folders explained
What is a gradebook?
Grades are based on a percentage with a maximum value of 100% and it’s what usually used by institutions to grade all types of assessments(such as quizzes, assignments, etc)
Point grades
Point grades are based on a maximum point value, and the weight of each point grade is determined by its maximum point value. This means that grades with higher maximum point values carry more weight when calculating the average for a particular assignment or assessment.
For example, if two assignments are included in a folder and one has a maximum point value of 50 while the other has a maximum point value of 100, the second assignment will carry twice as much weight in the calculation of the overall average for the folder. This allows teachers to customize the grading system to give more weight to assignments or assessments that are deemed more important, and to adjust the point value of assignments to better reflect their relative difficulty or complexity.
To calculate the average percentage for a set of point grades, we use the formula (grade1 + grade2 + ...) / (sum of max points / 100). This means that grades with fewer points will have less of an impact on the overall average than grades with more points.
Folders are a way to organize your grades by grouping them into specific types (semesters, tests, etc.)
To add a grade in a folder simply click the 3 dots and select Move to Folder. You will also notice that the grade will have the same color as the folder.
Folders also help you get better visibility over your grades by simply choosing to close the folders by clicking the folder icon.
Another reason to use folders is to automatically get the folder average. For example, you can get the average grade of all tests if you have them all under the same folder.
The formula to get the folder average can be seen below:
Folder average= sum of grades * weight / sum of weights
Example: 50+100=150 / 3 =50

You can also sort by grade.
You can also move a folder within another folder.
You can create subfolders with one of the below ways:
Quick fill: this will quickly fill in all empty cells
Clone: creates an empty item like folder
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