How to add a Teacher in DreamClass

How to add a Teacher in DreamClass

To get the most out of the available functionality in DreamClass, you need to add some teachers* to your school structure and assign them Classes - Subjects*.

Teachers among other things are able to manage attendance, create gradebooks and assess students’ performance. They may do so once you grant them access to login to their portal.

(* For colleges, the respective DreamClass entities names are “Professors” and “Class-Courses”)

Create a new Teacher entity

To add a new teacher, just follow the steps below:

Step 1

From the options menu select “Teachers” [Figure 1].

Step 2

Click on “Create Teacher” [Figure 1].

Figure 1

Step 3

On the popup window, fill in their personal information and click "Save” [Figure 2].

Figure 2

Your new Teacher entity has been created! Now you can find the teacher's name in the Teachers List.  

Give your teacher access to their portal

Now that you have created your new teacher profile, you can invite them into your portal.
To do so click on the Teacher’s name and go to their profile card. There, at the bottom side of your screen, go to “My Access Details” section and fill in their credentials (username, password) [Figure 3].

Figure 3

Bulk action: Allow access to your teachers 

Go to Bulk actions > DreamClass access for Teachers > Select the teachers > Update access

The teacher is now able to login to their portal using the provided credentials. 

How-to create a new teacher [video]

If you want a quick walkthrough on how to create and invite a new teacher into your School Management System, have a look at this video.

You’re good to go!

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